Official launch of Strasbourg as World Book Capital

Morning Inaugural talk: "La ville-livre" In the presence of the French Minister of Culture and the Director of UNESCO French Afternoon Dialogue with François Wolferman French Late Afternoon Official launch […]

Presentation of Giorgio Fontana’s book “Kafka. Un mondo di verità.”

Salone di Torino Lingotto Fiere, Via Nizza 294, Turin, Italy

Salone internazionale del libro di Torino Cento anni dopo la sua morte, Giorgio Fontana rilegge lo scrittore immortale in un’indagine letteraria avvincente che coinvolge tutti noi lettori nella più pericolosa […]

Public conversation

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart Largo Fra Agostino Gemelli, 1, Milano, Italy


Public conversation with Giacomo Papi and Ludovica Lugli

Laboratorio Formentini Via Marco Formentini, 10, Milano, Italy

Public conversation with Giacomo Papi, director of the Formentini Laboratories for the editorial department, and Ludovica Lugli, editor of the “Post”. Organized in collaboration with the Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto […]

“Conversa sobre S. da Gama.”

A conversation with Carlos Vaz Marques about the poet Sebastião da Gama whose centenary is commemorated this year. Convento dos Capuchos, Portugal Portuguese

“Cidade Poema”

A conversation with the historian of reading Minês Castanheira on books and libraries. Portuguese Time and place tba.

“Poetische Quellen”

Official opening. A conversation with the Italian writer Fabio Stassi. Moderated by Jürgen Keimer. Italian / German / English Bad Oeynhausen, Germany. Time tba.

Talk: “Progetto Colina”

Libreria Sopra la Penna Via della Chiesa, Lucignana, Italy

Inaugural "Scrivere sull'orizzonte della collina". A talk on ecology and fiction. Italian Time tba.